
This is an afternoon-project, a blockchain built in node, supporting PoW.

View the Project on GitHub andycandomore/blockchain-in-node

blockchain-in-node Build Status

This is an afternoon-project, a blockchain built in node, supporting PoW.

Why Node

Node itself is a more beautiful, flexible and powerful language for internet project, again, I want to show my love to js.

Why a Blockchain from scratch

When it comes to blockchain, most developers only learn how to do Dapp with ethereum, neo, or other existing infrastructure-completed project… They are fine, but using them will only let you know what you can do with them, as a result, you cannot really get the idea what you can do with blockchain itself, and what you can apply the blockchain mindset to other software projects. I think there is a better way to understand blockchain itself - to build a chain from scratch

This is a lovely demo for

Run it on your machine

$ npm clone
$ npm i
$ npm run dev // default on port 3000

<!-- to run more nodes -->
$ npm run nodes // default on port 3000
$ npm run nodes 3000 // listening on port 3000
$ npm run nodes 3001 // listening on port 3001
$ npm run nodes 3002 // listening on port 3002

HTTP Endpoints

GET /blockchain // see the link-list itself
POST /blockchain/mine // find the next special hash
POST /blockchain/body // add new data to the chain 

GET /blockchain/nodes // get a list of all nodes
GET /blockchain/nodes/resolve // fetch the longest chain
POST /blockchain/nodes/register // add nodes urls

There are many can be done:

Please feel free to fork, clone or send me PR


Andy Chen(amazingandyyy)



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